Technological and innovative development in clothing workshops. Literature review
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Technological development, Innovation, Dressmaking workshop, Competitiveness, Textile industry
Dressmaking workshops are part of the textile industry, which has great weight in the world economy and a high incidence in employment rates. The objective of this article is to approach from the literature the concept and practices of the textile industry in terms of technological development and innovation, in this sense a growing trend was found in the publication of articles related to the subject, as well as a wide deployment of research focused on the countries more incentives in the production and marketing of textiles. Finally, it is found that the most developed countries have advantages over other countries, which are related to the opportunity to improve their productivity and competitiveness, by creating and implementing progressive improvements in their technological and innovation capacity. In the case of Colombia, the country has increased its capabilities, but there are still challenges associated with growth focused on economies of scale.
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