Strengthening reading and writing in times of pandemic. An approach to its practical reality

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Luis Marcelo Mantilla Falcón
Alba Paulina Hernández Freire
Diana Mercy Sulca Quispilema


Teaching-learning, Methodological strategies, English language, Communication skills, Education


The present study focuses on understanding the problems that students have to develop their speaking and listening skills in the English language, considering that the acquisition of a new language is a highly complex process that requires greater attention and care on the part of teachers. The purpose of the study was to analyze the strengthening of “speaking and listening” skills with students from a private educational unit in the central region of Ecuador. The Cambridge KET (Key English Test) exam was used for upper basic education students, eighth, ninth and tenth grade students participated. The results show that the pedagogical intervention process was not very significant due to the peculiarities of the pandemic that radically altered the learning environments and teaching-learning processes. It is concluded that the interest in learning a second language continues to be an activity of little importance for students and that it has strong pedagogical limitations for its application by the teacher.

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