Study strategies to strengthen learning in the classroom through learning channels

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Diana Patricia Páez Galindo


Learning styles, Study strategies, Learning to learn, Teaching-learning process, Skills


The main objective of the project was to identify the learning channels of eighth grade students of the Silvino Rodriguez Educational Institution of Tunja, in order to implement classroom study strategies oriented to the acquisition of basic competencies.

This is descriptive non-experimental research using Lynn O’Brien’s test (1990) to determine the preferred learning channel according to the degree of disagreement or agreement shown by the student; this questionnaire was applied to 54 students of the Silvino Rodríguez Educational Institution between the ages of 14 and 18, in the subject of Spanish language during the pandemic, who showed preference for the visual and auditory channel.

The diagnosis allowed making theoretical contributions for the formation of a proposal in which strategies and reflections from the field of language are proposed, making a descriptive analysis of learning styles for the organization of environments rich in multiple strategies and means that promote motivation and interest in students to learn.

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