Evaluation, learning and context

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Osvaldo Granda Paz


Education, Evaluation, Post-processual, Social, Contexts, Non-parameter


This article proposes a comparative review of evaluation as a historical procedural form and the possibility that a type of post-processual evaluation may emerge within the broad educational field.

It starts from verifying the theoretical-practical conditions that emerged with the evaluation of learning in the 20th century and the postulates of the main criteria promoted from the contributions of Scriven and Bloom. Returning to its subsequent development in the evaluation by competencies, it is pointed out how its purposes are going to specifically evaluate people without taking into account their social relationship. This framework criterion inherent in evaluations as we know them today is one of the main criteria to be considered in a post-process evaluation.

In this way, collating the types of evaluation that have emerged in modern education, the need is postulated, as education enters post times (postmodernity-postcoloniality), to face the gap in the type of evaluations included in the hegemonic time, assuming a post category, relativizing their experience and at the same time the universe that uses them (educational institution) with a type of post-procedural evaluation aimed at contexts, privileging the community and social dimension.

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