Reflections on the pedagogy of the arts. The mesoaxiological perspective

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Nelly Fortes González


Art education, Formal education, Nonformal education, Value system


The refections of this article derive mainly from two chapters dedicated to the arts as an area of education within the book Pedagogy of the Arts. The Mesoaxiological Perspective. One dedicated to the value of the arts in formal education processes; while the other, centers on museums as an area of education where relevant nonformal education processes can take place. Mesoaxiological Pedagogy establishes a relationship between arts and education where it is possible to build the educational design of the common, specifc and specialized felds of the arts in education. That is, the artistic feld is studied as a mean to educate, as a feld and as an object of education. Based on these approaches, three refections are proposed: establish how Mesoaxiological Pedagogy can be applied to the arts to constitute them as a valid educational instrument, highlight the importance of including the arts to achieve an integral education approach, and the need to prepare future education professionals in pedagogy applied to the arts.

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