Motivation as a strategy that strengthens the learning of physics in students of the Pedro Castro Monsalvo Technical Industrial Educational Institution
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Motivation, Physics learning, Teaching learning
The focus of the present investigation was aimed at analyzing motivation as a strategy that strengthens the learning of physics in the students of the Pedro Castro Monsalvo Industrial Technical Educational Institution, whose variable under study was identified with the motivation and learning of physics supported by Bisquerra (2016), Carrulla, (2020), Burbano and Torres (2021), among others; under the positivist paradigm, with a non-experimental, field, transactional design and analytical approach; The sample consisted of 2 teachers and 48 students in grade 10 with uniform and coincident characteristics, to whom the Likerttype survey was applied, yielding an average for the Alpha Cronbach coefficient of 0.9074 for teachers and 0.9009 for students; Descriptive statistics were then used to analyze the data. In conclusion, it was possible to show that the external motivation prevails over the internal one, demarcating the need in the students to receive stimuli to complete the exercises proposed in class, requiring the intervention of the teacher to validate the results of the proposed activities, it could also be identified in In the stages of the physics learning process, the greatest difficulty lies in the interpretation to carry out the tasks and the subsequent questioning of the results, conditioning the appropriation of knowledge for its application in other contexts and therefore the motivation. It is recommended to follow the operational guidelines in order to modify the mental patterns that until now have been accompanying the educational practice considering the transformations of the globality.
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