Systemic past and challenging present: How cuban university students build their moral and ethical personality during their professional training
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Educational Policies, Higher Education Institutions, Moral and ethical personality, Professional formation
This article is tryng to fundament the pressing need of a systematic literature review for address and identifies academic progress in the object subject of study: the construction of the moral and ethical personality of the Cuban university student during your professional formation in the current context. The point of departure for this national study was based on a systematic database review of the oriental and occidental region, oneself identify and investigate in (45) article of investigation, (9) theses of masterliness and (63) theses of doctorate everybody them pertinent to the reconstruction of the specific logic of the specific object of investigation. According to our findings, Higher Education Institutions (HEI) must rethink their purpose and commitment with the Cuban Social Project. Recommend future research work in the context of the Edifying Comprehensive Pedagogy as an institutional framework dynamic and fort (forte).
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