Axiological transculture in education from the perspective of university teachers

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Francis Soledad Saavedra Peña


Axiological Culture and Transculture, Axiological theory, Axiology of the university professor


The essential purpose of this work is to reveal some essential elements that characterize the relationship between Culture, Axiology, and citizen education as pillars in the transformation of the university community. This implies that training must go beyond the limits of what is instructive and focus its attention on the human being, on the development of his personality, and therefore on significant, conscious aspects of social commitment, as the main priority. Traditionally, education has been understood as the means to facilitate learning from the production of knowledge as a way to develop values. When we talk about values, they immediately linked to the pedagogical action. There is no education if there have no values itself since its action aims to perfect the man who receives it, which makes it valuable in itself. For its part, transcultural education is aimed at respecting and valuing cultural differences, promoting dialogue and mutual understanding. Much of the monoculture is based on the idea that the only valid knowledge is scientific, academic and institutionalized knowledge, despising and underestimating other epistemologies, considered not very rigorous. In this sense, the transcultural axiological becomes a fundamental tool to transfer universal values and promote respect, tolerance and acceptance of cultural diversity. Interculturality in the classrooms must be promoted and a dialogue with respect for otherness and universal values promoted, which leads to a more just, equitable, inclusive and humanistic society. An axiology pertinent to education implies a relationship with the personal and social values of the individual. Positive attitudes of the teacher towards educational axiology, should allow that, in addition to transmitting knowledge, serve to improve the interpersonal relationships of all the personnel that work within these educational facilities.

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