Implementation of SCRUM as a teaching technique in education: Assessment of the experience and perceptions of students in a graduate program in Project Management

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Juan Sebastián Dugarte Mendoza
Fabio Augusto Niño Liévano
Erika Patricia Ramírez Oliveros
Cesar Augusto Silva Giraldo
Eduardo Arango Tobón
Yohanna Milena Rueda Mahecha
David Andrés Suarez Suarez
Tatiana Gualdrón Porras


SCRUM, Teaching technique, Project management, Collaborative learning, Agile methodologies


This research analyzes the implementation of SCRUM as a teaching technique in a Project Formulation course within a postgraduate program in Colombia. A quantitative approach and a Likert scale-based questionnaire were used to evaluate key aspects. The results show that communication and collaboration within teams are crucial, but shortcomings were identified in training, support, and SCRUM role structure. Evaluation and monitoring processes met expectations, and students demonstrated interest in the technique. To optimize the implementation of SCRUM, it is recommended to strengthen training, SCRUM structure and roles, collaboration and communication, maintain focus on evaluation and monitoring, and continue fostering student feedback.

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