The scientific investigation in the practical preprofesional doctor: Patient case of study with diabetes mellitus

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Aida García Güell
Juan Jesús Mondéjar Rodríguez
Arístides Lázaro García Herrera
Jorge Luis Delgado Morejón
Diamela Reyes Licea


Diabetes mellitus, Investigative abilities, Investigation scientific, Practical preprofesional, Professional superación


The scientific investigation and the practical medical preprofesional constitute aspects that are of high significance for the egresado of this university career. The attention to patient with diabetes mellitus settles down for the professional of the health a challenge in its confrontation mainly when he/she associates to complications and special situations. The contributions from the cognitive and methodological point of view in connection with the behavior of the medicine students in their activity preprofesional and the contribution of experiences in residents of the specialty of Internal Medicine related with this illness, constitute the base to organize the activities of the medical practice. An ascent was verified from the level of teaching contents when culminating the works of the referred specialty and that they have an impact in the professional superacion and exchange of experiences with the medicine students to improve the diabetic patient’s attention, for it the objective of the article is to argue that the scientific investigation is developed through investigative works in the culmination of studies of the specialty in internal medicine and they contribute to the development of the practical preprofesional in the career of Medicine with emphasis to the problems of the diabetic patient’s health.

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