Skills for the 21st century, new contexts, new capabilities ... Is the Colombian teacher ready?

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Angèlica Nohemy Rangel Pico
Oscar Javier Zambrano Valdivieso
Yohana Milena Rueda Mahecha
Fabio Augusto Niño Liévano


Skills for the 21st century, new contexts, new capabilities


The current knowledge society requires the training of professors to be competent in the use and appropriation of ICTs in the 21st century, favoring the development of intelligence, computational thinking skills, creativity, and ability to solve problems, self-learning and collaboration with the Learning from others.The article presents a view of the reality of the use of computers, connectivity and implementations and developments from students, teachers and educational institutions, taking from referents such as those presented by the Ministry of ICT, Organization for Cooperation and The Economic Development OECD, the National Planning Department and the Santillana Foundation. Finally, it raises the importance of looking towards the future, the challenge of education, training and knowledge of ICT, considering learning technology as important as learning with technology.

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