Pedagogy about the place factor in sustainable architectural projects. Initial considerations

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Pedro Ricardo Medina Motta
Florinda Sánchez Moreno
Francisco Javier Lagos Bayona


Bioclimatic, Efficiency, Place factor, Sustainable design


The Place Factor is of vital importance in the conception of architectural projects, the place of location of future buildings, has its own identity, its unique natural and artificial physical characteristics, and a particular context, all this must be considered in the previous stage of the design process and integrate it into your architecture.

The place factor is the closest topic to what is commonly called site analysis, which implies understanding the topography, climate, vegetation, evaluating aspects such as biodiversity, local ecosystems and available natural resources, that is, all the elements that make up the landscape, taking into account the scale and surrounding urban density, in addition to contemplating other aspects, such as the cultural, social, traditions and needs of the local community to create a harmonious relationship between the building and its urban environment to ensure that the building is properly integrated into the context. 

From sustainability it is important to take into account a series of initial considerations of the site and the implementation of sustainable design criteria such as: waste management systems, reduction, reuse and recycling, construction systems and construction materials with low environmental impact, strategies to reduce energy consumption, water collection and reuse strategies, as well as efficient irrigation and sanitation systems, integrating strategies that take advantage of climatic conditions, universal accessibility, adequate building orientation, etc., all this to contribute to the well-being of users and reduce operating costs in the long term.

The research and detailed study of the location of the architectural project are essential to understand its needs and challenges, allowing to meet the functional demands that respect the uniqueness of the place that allows to create conscious and sustainable design solutions.

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