Determination of the sense and significance of pedagogical practice in teachers of childhood educators
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Pedagogical practice, Teacher trainer, Early childhood education
The following dissertation is based on a doctoral research that focused its interest on pedagogical practice in accordance with the purpose of determining the meaning and meaning of it in the trainer of trainers, that is, the university teacher who is part of the Early Childhood Education program of the University of Córdoba, Colombia, in order to specify relevant inputs with the stimulation of reflective consciousness. For this reason, the epistemological process was associated with the socio-critical paradigm, qualitative research and the methodological design of action research, where 8 teachers who exercise training functions in the mentioned context were selected, who offered their subjective testimonies through an in-depth interview, but also participated in a discussion group. Hence, the information collected through these two techniques was analyzed through content analysis, as well as categorization and triangulation, with assistance in the atlas. ti program. Based on everything described, it was possible to conclude that although the pedagogical practice as a reflective mediating process represents the duty of the teacher’s actions, in reality there are important gaps and confusions, some strengthened thanks to dialogues and collective reflections, but if they are not understood more deeply, they will continue to be reflected in the suvidagogic scheme of education students, and future teachers in the country
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