Inclusive education: A territory of multiple approach errors
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Inclusive education, Epistemology, Ontology, Mistakes, Objects of analysis
The substantive ‘inclusion’ has become increasingly commonplace within Pedagogy, public policies, teacher training and the international scene. We are in the presence of a commonplace of an obligatory nature in the discourse of political correctness today. Its most widespread signifier is nothing more than a progressive-liberal cliché. Their interlocutors often talk about inclusion without knowing its true meaning and content. The purpose of this work is to describe some of the main errors in approaching the multiple objects of analysis of the imaginative territory called ‘inclusive education’. The method used is critical documentary review. The work concludes by observing the need to alter the ontological regimes through which certain social groups are strategically co-opted, sealing their future. Added to this, their inability to deal with the plural nature of the world and educational processes. In the same way, it is identified that the problems of intelligibility of otherness, to a certain extent, can be explained through the metaphor of the ‘spirit of abstraction’, understood as a form of cognitively dislocated reason; especially traits that can induce a certain superiority or inferiority. Theory in the specific case of inclusive education is defined as a set of thinking tools; it is always a provisional construct, something that very assertively describes the specificity of a knowledge structure in permanent evolution. Inclusive education is a theory that offers multiple answers about a multitude of specific structures and interactions.
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