Interdigitales: An intergenerational Service-Learning experience
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Service-Learning (S-L), Lifelong Learning, Intergenerationally, Senior Training, Pedagogy Training, Professional Competences
The service-learning project «INTERgenerational Activities for the Development of DIGITAL Competences of Older Adults» (INTERDIGITALES) was implemented between March and May 2022 at the Fontiñas Sociocultural Center (Santiago de Compostela), with the participation of people over 65 years old (n=8), users of the center, students of the 1st (n=10) and 4th (n=6) year of the Pedagogy Degree of the USC, teachers responsible for the courses (n=3) and members of the nongovernmental organization Galician Solidarity Action (ASDEGAL) (N= 2).
The objectives of the experience were: (1) To promote digital skills in old adults, (2) To contribute to the enrichment of the social networks and (3) To promote a perspective of the lifespan useful to understand and depathologize changes throughout adulthood and old age.
The evaluation of the project by students of the Degree in Pedagogy has shown a high degree of satisfaction with the experience (mean of 8, 81 out of 10), the acquisition of communication skills (8.88), teamwork (9.06), the impact of ApS on their learning (9.06), as well as working with people of different ages (9.50). Regarding the senior group, high satisfaction is maintained (mean of 9.13 out of 10) in relation to participating in the experience and in terms of the content developed, they indicated that they obtained better attitudes towards technology (more curiosity 9.12; more confidence 9.00), greater knowledge (ranging from 9.12 in music and video services to 8.75 in leisure and free time resources), and better skills to work with people of different ages (9.50). Experience has served us to confirm that S-L constitutes an appropriate intervention methodology for intergenerational education.
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