Evaluation in chemisrtry: Its impact, beauty and complexity
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Evaluation, Teaching and learning, Competencies, Methodology, Systematic
The concept of evaluation is one of the most used references by human beings in all everyday areas, and with the most evident prevalence in the educational context, which brings together a countless number of characteristics that express various factors to be taken into account during its design and implementation. However, the evaluation from the observable reality specifically within the area of chemistry reflects a divergent compendium that often demonstrates different results than those expected from the institutional level, a situation that founded the problem of this doctoral research. Thus, the study underlying this academic article sought to specify the correlation between the guidelines of the Saber tests and the academic achievement of secondary education students in the subject of chemistry, from which it was pertinent to conceive the study within the positivist paradigm, under the guidance of the quantitative approach and the guidance of the quasi-experimental design, whose population and sample consisted of 120 students from grades 10-11, belonging to the Educational Institution Colegio Carlos Albán Holguín, located in Bogotá, Colombia, who The survey technique was applied to them, through the measurement scale instrument analyzed through statistical treatment, which in general allowed us to conclude that the evaluation should not be a solely quantitative process, uprooted from the qualities themselves, which demand an assessment. Comprehensive must be comprehensive, although the institutional reality emphasizes the measurement of results, as inputs that allow estimating educational quality.
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