Cost educational software
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Software, costs, business, technology and education
The objective of this article is to present the advances of the research, design of educational software of costs as an educational didactic tool for the subject of entrepreneurial costs of the graduates in gastronomy of the Technological Institute Superior Mario Molina Pasquel y Henriquez academic unit in Puerto Vallarta Jalisco for Obtain information on the cost of production of what is sold applied to gastronomic companies that are micro or small.Today, technology has been growing positively, with the learning process of the students, it is shown that there are many benefits offered to education in our society, These new technologies are influencing the educational world in a firm and Increasing importance in particular in the field of student training, since multimedia play a powerful role in their role as a vehicle for multiplying learning in the process of educational training. Innovation is one of the characteristics of technology.The development of the project is carried out from a multidisciplinary perspective from the systems engineering, the administrative economic area and the theories of education; for the design and development of software are carried out joint processes for creation of software
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