Determination of constructs on teaching strategies for developing algebraic reasoning

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Susana Del Pilar Hernández Castaño


Teaching strategies, Algebraic reasoning, Teacher’s knowledge, Daily experiences, Curricular reality


This article reports on a research project aimed at determining theoretical constructs associated with algebraic reasoning that favor the understanding of the phenomenon as it is presented in certain contexts. Here, we assumed a process-oriented from the interpretative paradigm, based on the qualitative approach, through phenomenology as a method, where codification and categorization were used as analysis procedures whose information was obtained from the application of interviews and surveys. From this emerged the input that allowed the determination of the constructs denominated “teacher’s knowledge”, “daily experiences” and “curricular reality”, as well as their knowledge, habits, and practices regarding teaching strategies involved in the development of algebraic reasoning. From here, it was possible to conclude that although teachers understand general notions about strategies, their perceptions, and practices are based on subjective representations that highlight gaps and inaccuracies in the conceptual framework of teaching strategies, due to the indistinct reference they make to components such as methods, activities, techniques, and resources.

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