Natural science standards in the class-room. A reflection from the concept of biological evolution
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STS, Biological evolution, Standards, Pedagogical reflection
This article aims to reflect on the classroom implementation of the Biological Evolution concept and the Natural Sciences standards in the 11th grade Biology subject at the IEO Jorge Isaacs INEM in Cali. Through a case study involving a practicing teacher, data, notes and comments were collected to interpret and reflect on the dynamics of his work, from the perspective of the observer. Also, the steps necessary for students to reach the standard were analyzed. Pedagogical reflection, which is positioned as a priority for each teacher in educational institutions, is manifested in the constant search for methods that bring students together, recognizing its importance for continuous improvement, shaping educational proposals with an innovative character. The results offer a detailed view of classroom work, contributing significantly to the understanding of how the Science, Technology and Society approach can be implemented effectively to raise the quality of teaching. In conclusion, the crucial importance of adaptability and innovation on the part of educators is highlighted. Professionals who play a fundamental role in the training of students, not only providing biological knowledge, but also cultivating critical thinking skills, encouraging participation in the educational process.
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