Towards a heuristic of the research question in educational matters from an epistemological and hermeneutic reflection
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Heuristics, Hermeneutic, Dialectical, Educational Research
The adoption of an analytical perspective in light of scientific realism and of a hermeneuticdialectical foundation of research questions offers a critical focus in the epistemic dimension of education. From this perspective, and on the basis of an epistemological critic as method, we seek a comprehensive understanding of pedagogical phenomena and processes on the basis of research questions, allowing for broader awareness of the multiple dimensions that take part in the configuration of the educational. In this sense, a heuristic proposal is presented for the formulation of research questions with the aim of providing a practical-reflective guide that can develop a critical and transformative vision of education. The fundamental steps of this heuristic can constitute theoretical elements to foster an analysis of educational problems and forge new opportunities for educational action. By this approach a research practice oriented towards social transformation through acknowledgment of complexity and diversity of perspectives that integrate pedagogical understanding is encouraged. As last resort, the combination of a critical glance on realism from the epistemological and a hermeneuticdialectical foundation in the formation of research questions aimed at contributing to the development of significant knowledge of the educational procedure in the subject of research.
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