Graphical expression in engineering and project based learning: Designing a Cansat

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Fernando Lozano Rivas


PBL, Engineering projects, Graphic expresión, Design, Satellite


The project-based learning (PBL) method has been applied at different educational stages for a long time, but it is now becoming more relevant due to the high level of motivation it achieves in the student who experiences it. When it comes to perpetuating a paradigm shift in the way education is conceived, there is a perceived lack of research and projects in the teaching field. The most important factor of the PBL method is that the learner learns autonomously once he/she has the minimum knowledge to manage without help, so that learners acquire knowledge and motivation with the help of their peers. The aim of this research is to present the Cansat project developed by 5 students in the 1st year of the technological baccalaureate. This project is part of the educational competition organised by the Spanish Delegation of the Educational Resources Office of the European Space Agency (ESERO SPAIN). Through the project methodology, students achieve important results, such as improvement in their academic training, autonomy, ability to work in groups and problem solving in their environment.

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