The sense of human dignity in the person deprived of freedom in a migrant condition

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Adriana Obando Aguirre


Dignity, Uprootedness, Migration, Person deprived of liberty


Within the framework of the project “Aesthetic manifestations of time in prison”, which was developed in the Pedregal Penitentiary and Prison Centre in the city of Medellín, Colombia, legal- pedagogical actions were implemented with women and men deprived of their liberty. In this trajectory of social projection and research, the importance of recognising the prisoner as a subject who requires opportunities to give new meaning to life has become visible, and for this, it is necessary to value the voices of those who live in prisons due to different situations that derive from the social, political and economic precariousness that surrounds human life.

However, migrants also congregate in prisons. The penitentiary centre is not far from the scourge of social reality; there dwell women and men who, because of socio-political situations, took the risk of violating Colombian norms, with the idea of improving the lives of their families. They find that in confinement they acquire a double vulnerability: being a foreigner and being deprived of their freedom.

From this reality, this article emerges, since the men and women who are in the process of resignifying their lives in the penitentiary centre, through the legal-educational interventions, manage through the daily life to incorporate some strategies to be resistant to naturalize the space and the conditions of precariousness that binds them.

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