Some radical errors in our Education
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Education, Radical mistakes, Radical and inclusive approach to education, Pedagogy, General Didactics, Training, Teaching
Our education is incomplete, partial and externalizing. It is polarized in what is external to the person, although it is called ‘interior’, and coincides mostly with what globalized educational systems, societies and States demand. The objective of this work is to investigate the current and possible pedagogical reality in the opposite way to how it is usually done: instead of focusing on the search for improvement and necessary changes, we will try to approach what is insufficient, poorly constructed, poorly done or not done. To respond to the objective, the methodology will be the pedagogical essay supported by the “radical and inclusive approach” (Herrán, 2014). The essay is considered the most necessary research methodology, insofar as it can contribute to the relationship and openness, intimate fibers of innovation or creativity applied in social contexts. Its content can be considered innovative and oriented to pedagogical change, although it differs from the usual notion of educational change (v. g. Fullan, 2012, 2020; Fullan & Hargreaves, 1992), as it responds to a radical change of what is normally understood by educational change in Pedagogy and General Didactics (Herrán, 2013). The results will be identified with the content of the trial, although specifically in different errors or inadequacies identified. They concern, in a special way, those responsible for educational research and pedagogical training of educators. The aim of the study is to contribute to the performance (passage from ‘bad’ to ‘less bad’ situations) of education, training, teaching and curricula, to aspire, in the future, to an evolutionary improvement. It is hoped that what follows may have some impact on the research, professional and social transfer that takes the school and society as a reference. The work is developed within a framework of pedagogical renewal that affects, in general, the Educational Sciences and Pedagogy and General or polyvalent Didactics, the latter being understood as a discipline “at the core of Pedagogy” (Sevillano, 2011). Its developments can be included, primarily or nuclearly, in General Didactics -inseparately from Pedagogy-, to the extent that this discipline “is concerned with critically analyzing the major currents of didactic thought and the predominant trends in contemporary teaching” (Alves de Mattos, 1960, p. 30). We understand that the study meets the criteria of excellence of the European Research Council (2024), namely: it is a highly innovative research proposal, with some risk, seeks to acquire knowledge at the limit of what has been experienced so far and proposes new theories or methodologies.
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