Procedures to prevent physical injuries in the discipline of Karate-do

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Carlos Andrés Pedroso Martínez
Juana Elena Fernández Soto
Oscar Alberto Martínez Barrera


Injure, system, ostiomioarticular, KARATE-DO


It was carried out an observational, descriptive, and traverse study, at the Discipline of KARATE-DO at the Centers of Superior studies: and “EIDE” of the feminine and masculine sex, located at the city of Las Tunas in a period of 6 months, taking a sample of 20 athletes with accumulated experiencefrom 1 to 5. For this investigation it was carried out a meticulous study guided to determine the incidences of the sport lesions to be able to prevent the same ones and to achieve a good acting results in the future in the practitioners of this beautiful martial art. The used investigation methods were the historical, logical, the systemic structural, analysis and synthesis, among the empiric ones used: observation, surveys to the athletes, and interviews to the trainers, those that allowed to guide the objective layout of our work that consists on the prevention of the lesions that happen in the ostiomioarticular system. For this investigation it was necessary with the doctors the schedule, place of training, as well as the nutrition, aspects considered by specialists as very important for the final result of these athletes, one kept in mind a bibliographical revision modernized with reference to the physical lesions, psychology in the yield, physical capacities, and physiologic factor. Those that should influence in a positive way in the final result of the same one.

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