Currents, paradigms and pedagogical approaches in the structuring of teaching

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Ignacio Pineda Pineda


Currents, Paradigms, Approache, Models, Teaching


With the presentation of the announced topic we want to sitúate and sostain teaching practices in the networks that are interwoven between currents, paradigma and approaches that sustain the conditios of possibility, to design educational, pedagogical and didactic models from a condition referenced in the theoretical, the methodological and as an object of study. Constructivist approaches are used, because they have persisted and contributed to creating and sustaining educational models that some educational institutions take as distinctive. In the event that any educational or teaching practice that does not take into account the principles, conditions and social cultural pedagogical and didactics constraints suffers from structures that sustains and streghten it therefore careful reflections is necessary to reveal the vicisitudes and consequences.Futures of training as the constitution of subjects in the horizon of training and profesional development.

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