Memories of uprooting: social and political imaginaries, a praxeological vision of young people in public universities by the social rule of law

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Gustavo Adolfo Junca
Rafaél Antonio Morales
Myriam Eugenia Melo Hernández
Rocío Elizabeth Vizcaíno González
Wilson Díaz Gamba
Wilmar Anibal Peña Collazos


Social imaginary, Armed war, Actors of violence, Conflicts, Impunity, Habitus, Political field


with this inter-institutional research led by SUE, by uniting researchers on behalf of the National University of Colombia, the National Pedagogical University, the District University, the University Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca and the Nueva Granada Military University, it intends to contemplate a good part of the keys of the internal logic that dynamizes the modern social imaginary of the young university student and his social representations based on a political, ethical and aesthetic logic in the face of the problems of the armed conflict in Colombia, in the face of the Havana Agreements for peace in Colombia and that it is revealed with greater force in the understanding of the students’ own, authentic meaning and that provides the basis for their active participation in social movements and public demonstrations in the latest events of the current situation.

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