The audiovisual language as a didactic device in the collection, analysis and media learning in the representations of the culture of peace of young people from public universities in Bogotá.
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Learning, Didactics, Mediation, ICT, Media Environment
The path traveled by this academic exercise. has allowed the dialogical encounter between the actors and factors that represent “the senses and meanings of the culture of peace of the young people of the public universities of Bogotá” through the mediation of information and communication technologies in a process of collection, analysis and learning: whose fundamental purpose is the recognition of an identity and a memory by deconstructing, reconstructing and constructing a series of events of several years of pain, displacement and hundreds of deaths: told in narrative texts, pictorial paintings or audiovisual documents by renowned artists and anonymous authors who are part of the armed conflict in Colombia. Today more than ever it is essential to rationalize each of these factes, so that they are internalized in the knowledge of each individual, as a fundamental element of the didactic action with embryonic technological mediation provided with activities and resources, with a pedagogical intention that can lead to a renewal of the formative work, where the protagonist is responsible for his knowledge, do and feel when learning by doing
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