From the Pedagogy of Death to education for a more conscious life
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Pedagogy of Death, Pedagogy, General Didactics, Full education, Consciousness, Ego, Radical and inclusive approach to education
The paper ‘Beyond Death Education? A study of its epistemological traditions’, published in the Revista de Educación (Herrán et al., 2024), shows that death pedagogy is no longer an emerging discipline. From the considerable scientific production in quality journals in the last 10 years, it can be deduced that this pedagogical discipline has a relevant trajectory, both from the perspectives of the Anglo-Saxon and Central European tradition (which prevails in Spain). The results of research in Pedagogy of Death do not correspond to its still scarce social and pedagogical transfer (professional and research). From its status as a ‘field’ or ‘radical topic’ and despite its educational potential, it has not been considered in the guidelines of supranational educational bodies (Herrán et al., 2024), and hardly in educational systems, curricula, institutional projects, didactic programs, etc. Regardless of their still scarce transferability, when discipline or a topic develops a lot in a short time, there is a paradoxical risk of stagnation. A recurrence which, unfortunately, characterizes Pedagogy, General Didactics, education and teaching, possibly due to a ‘deterioration of scientific creation in the field of education’ (Herrán, 2005) and an (anti)crisis of originality unworthy of the nature of education. This text responds to the objective of opening a window to leave the house of scientific orthodoxy and to investigate the interior of the Pedagogy of death to refocus it on education for a more conscious life. The aim is to contribute to education being able to go beyond itself from the Pedagogy of Death, honoring its hypothetical condition as a river as a riverbed and water at the same time. The methodology that responds to this objective is a pedagogical essay constructed in the freest and most unconditioned way possible. It has been developed from dialectical observations linked to and based on the ‘radical and inclusive approach’ to education (Herrán, 2014). The results are generated throughout the paper. They point to the fact that, by crossing the atrium of death, a different pedagogical reality can be accessed based on a possibly useful awareness for a radical change in education, teaching and training and its main disciplines of reference: Pedagogy and General Didactics.
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