Construction of critical thinking and discursive Ethos in educational experiences of teachers and students of higher education in Pereira (Risaralda, Colombia)

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Leandro Arbey Giraldo Henao


Critical thinking, Discursive ethos, Higher education, Teaching-learning, Journalism


This article presents the results of the analysis of a corpus of testimonies of teachers and students dedicated to the teaching and learning of journalistic discourse, communication and digital media, in the city of Pereira-Risaralda-Colombia. They were collected from interviews with open questions about pedagogical practices, teaching and learning within the framework of the construction of ‘critical thinking’ and the discursive ethos mobilized in their discursive interactions. The objective of this analysis is to explore the construction of ‘critical thinking’ and discursive ethos in pedagogical practices mediated by ICTs, in the teaching-learning of journalism in two universities of Pereira Risaralda. The work shows how images of themselves are constructed in the discourses about what happened in the classroom. The dynamic constructs three images of the teacher as a disruptive, avant-garde and reflective subject: the ethos of the provocative pedagogue, the creative teacher and the critical trainer. It also presents the position of students and the ways of assuming their current educational processes within the framework of journalism and communication. The analysis carried out contributes to glimpsing the determinant of the teachers’ discourse and self-image for the elaboration of students’ critical thinking, as well as their current tendency to privilege journalism far from conventional pedagogical practices for the elaboration of reports and news of sociopolitical interest.

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