The role of technology in the quality of education in vulnerable Afro-Colombian regions

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Eduar Caicedo Suárez
José Faustín Mena Palacios
Lucy Marisol Rentería Mosquera
Elizabeth Gómez Yepes
Deiner Mena Waldo


Technology, Technological skills, Connectivity, Teacher training, Educational quality


The article determines the impact of technology on educational quality in vulnerable educational institutions in Chocó. The paradigm is sociocritical, mixed approach and descriptive. The population is made up of students, teachers, officials of the education secretariats and researchers. The methods include: bibliographic review, historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, surveys in Google Forms and statistics.

The results show that the technological infrastructure is deficient, the materials with the greatest presence are: computers, televisions and tablets. The technological tools and applications are traditional and artificial intelligence. The internet connection is scarce; the level of knowledge of the devices and the internet is medium; the most used social networks are: WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube; and the use of technological devices by parents to support the development of their children’s schoolwork is very low.

It is concluded that technological infrastructure, the state of technological materials, quality of the Internet connection and technological skills are variables that affect quality at the basic and secondary education levels.

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