Methodological activities for the preparation of physical education teachers on special coordination skills
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Teacher preparation, Methodological activities, Coordination capacity
Teacher preparation is essential for the development of knowledge, skills and competencies within the framework of the profession, Physical Education has as one of its major tasks to stimulate creativity, experiences, learning and motor experiences through a factual diagnosis, in primary school Jorge Matos from the municipality of 10 de Octubre to find out how teachers teach the regulation and direction of movements in first cycle students after a post-pandemic period, it was revealed that the methodological guidelines are concise, there is little bibliography and there are no directed methodological indications. to the special coordinating capacity for which it is proposed as an objective to diseñar methodological activities for the preparation of Physical Education teachers on the special coordinating capacity in the first cycle at the Jorge Matos elementary school in the municipality of 10 de Octubre, different methods were used: analyticalsynthetic, inductive-deductive, surveys, interviews, observation, document analysis, modeling, expert judgment and statistics. The proposal will allow preparing teachers for the teaching of coordinative capacity.
Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (2021) (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579- 1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 (https:// Retos, número 41, 2021 (3º trimestre), 373-379 © Copyright
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