Intertextuality on the heroic literature, an effective tool for a competent reader

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Carlos Andrés Martínez Pacheco


literary competition, intertextual competence, intertextuality, intertext reader, reading process, reading levels, teaching unit


This article offers a look at the concept of competency and its implications on the educational field, specifically in terms of what defines being competent reader, on literary and intertextual level.Also, reflect on the development of these competences in educative process in area of language and the transversal incidence on the curricular field that breaks through the academic program of formal education.Reviews and analyzes the position of the MEN in their official documents, about the strengthening of the reader, literary and intertextual competences to cycle III. It finally addresses the experience of educational intervention research that originated the degree work to obtain the title of Master on Communication-Education; line of literature of the University Francisco José de Caldas denominated “Study of intertextuality relations with the development of literary skills in Cycle III students.”This research proposes to relate the elements and categories of intertextuality with the development of reading and literary skills through the didactic unit based on the thematic of the hero, which implementation evidence a binding axis, in this case the heroic literature turns into a high motivation toward the habits of reading and development of reading and literary competitions. On the other hand, it is concluded that the guiding teacher requires having a wide literary heritage that allows an adequate guidance in the selection of literary work material. 

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