The role of self-regulation and the recognition of the other in training for tolerance

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Angélica María Rodríguez Ortiz
Edilberto Zapata Blandón


tolerance, self-regulation, recognition of the other, coexistence, Philosophy for Children (PfC).


At present, the students school life is affected by a high degree of intolerance, which is manifested in actions of abuse, bullying, and other facts that end up being counterproductive for the normal development of teaching and learning processes. Learning in the different areas of school knowledge. Faced with this, philosophy can not remain isolated, since it can be considered as a vehicle from which, the human being manages to perform processes of reflection, self-regulation of behavior, analysis, criticism and citizen training; That is, philosophy provides spaces and provides the tools for the learner to learn to think about their own reality versus the existence of others in the context of tolerance.
This article presents the final report of a research process that shows the scope of the design of a didactic unit under the strategy of the program proposed by Matthew Lipman, Philosophy for Children (PfC), with which it was possible to generate spaces for reflection, recognition of the other, self-regulation and conceptual evolution; elements that allowed them to initiate behavioral changes by accepting coexistence in school from the recognition of the other and their difference.
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