Evaluation of the productive processes for the optimization in the company the Madrilenian

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Cristian Espín
José Guilcamaigua


Production optimization, production costs, shrinkage


This research project, performed in La Madrileña enterprise, is focused on optimizing the production. It aims to make a diagnosis about the current situation of the productive process related to feedstock, determine shrinkage, its  effect on production costs and finally make a proposal related to optimization production.

Using the Pareto diagram, the most demanded products were defined, which are ‘longaniza especial’ (9.5%), ‘longaniza ahumada’ (6.5%) and ‘botón especial’ (13%). All of them represent the 29% of the total production.
Experimentally, different temperatures and drying times were set in the oven, the data obtained have contributed to perform polynomic curves which were used to project the response variables (Y). Thus, for
‘longaniza ahumada’, a change of the drying time from 35 to 20 minutes and a temperature between 75°C and 85°C will reduce shrinkages from 15% to 9% as well as the production costs from USD 2.30 to USD 2.08 per kilogram. In addition, for ‘botón especial’, changing the drying time from 55 to 35 minutes and setting
the temperature between 78°C and 85°C, shrinkages will reduce from 18% to 15% and also the production costs will drop from USD 2.04 to USD 1.94 per kilogram. Moreover, for ‘longaniza especial’, a variation of the drying time from 50 to 20 minutes and a range of temperature between 77°C and 85°C, will reduce shrinkages from 23% to 19% as well as the production costs from USD 2.58 to USD 2.36 per kilogram. Therefore, the optimization proposal to reduce shrinkages and productions costs is based on diminishing dried times and increasing the temperature in the oven.

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