The lexical analysis and its incidence in the development of the communicative competence of the Spanish-literature teacher in initial training

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Grechel Calzadilla Vega


Lexicon, lexical analysis, communicative competence, initial training of Spanish teachers, literature


The teaching of the mother tongue is aimed at achieving communicative competence. To achieve this aspiration, the lexical treatment is resized, since it goes through all the aspects contained in the communicative competence. It also affects cognitive, affective and social development and plays a fundamental role in the learning process, since the quantity, variety and quality of familiar words will condition the abilities for the production of meanings.

In turn, it constitutes the vehicle for the transmission of culture, the language-world relationship and a central element in the configuration of the individual worldview. The communication gathers experiences of the work carried out by the author, with the aim of enhancing, through lexical analysis, the lexical learning of the Spanish-Literature teachers who attend their initial training at the University of Las Tunas, and contribute to raising their communicative competence.

Responds to his line of doctoral research related to the lexical availability of Spanish-Literature teachers in initial training.

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