Indexes of the quality of evaluation instruments

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quality, evaluation, indicators, indexes, correlation


The Educational Evaluation is perhaps the most important component of the whole educational process, which has not been given the importance it deserves, because from its results, relevant aspects are derived that determine the success or failure of the whole educational process, since we know that from these results it’s defined the promotion of the student, and at the same time it’s considered as an indicator of the quality of education or the educational process.

This research aims to determine the quality of the indicators of the evaluation instruments (reliability index, discrimination index and degree of difficulty) applied to the students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Humanities and Technologies of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo in the corresponding academic
periods from April 2015 to August 2016. The sample selected is random, the research design is non-experimental of longitudinal type.
The research concludes with figures that call attention to the quality of the evaluation instruments, since they are not guaranteeing a quality learning to the students of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the National University of Chimborazo. 
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