School bullying, cyberbullying and its socioaffective impact

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Nelly Germania Salguero Barba
Johanna Anabel Garzón González
Christian Paúl García Salguero


School Harassmen, Cyberbullying, Socio-affective, Psychologica


The issue related to bullying in educational institutions is in vogue this problem has its origin through harassment or ̈bromas ̈ ranging from a happy slapping or slap, ask the victim to do such or such ̈favor ̈ asking for things, Money, gestures and actions of intimidation, these and other manifestations of harassment such as cyberbullying through the network and other expressions of violence impede the optimal development of students, interfere in the sense of group pertinence, their relationship of healthy and harmonious coexistence , Being one of the most important factors of the school desertion.This research aims to determine the predominant factors that affect harassment and how they generate far-reaching consequences in the lives of those who experience it, considering that Cotopaxi is no exception, since a high percentage of students recognized and accepted some type of harassment School or cyberbullyingin their school life, as well as the fear of denouncing by multiple sociocultural factors.

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