Curricular Challenges of Indigenous Education in Pima Chihuahuas

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Josefina Madrigal Luna
Celia Carrera Hernández
Rosa Evelia Carpio Domínguez


Teacher Training, indigenous education, original town


The contribution is centered in the analysis of the problems of the teachers of Indigenous Education in pimas regions of the State of Chihuahua, present at the time of attending the school curriculum. Therefore, in a detailed way, we describe the pressing setbacks in the everyday school reality of the processes of teachers' pedagogical practice. The paper shows the results of a research project that analyzes the situation of intercultrual education in these ethnic contexts. The qualitative study, focuses on the phenomenon studied, from the view of the actors involved; the reality lived by the magisterium that attend pima students in this entity. The data are obtained through a questionnaire of 73 open and closed questions, which correspond to 29 teachers, generating from it, results that show the challenges and pending tasks in the implementation of the school curriculum of the educational reality studied, and which end up being not only challenges for the involved teacher, at the same time they are, essential elements within the agendas pending to be covered by the educational policy makers.

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