Basic elements for the educational inclusion of students with disabilities
Main Article Content
Educational inclusion, disability, adaptive technologies, Inclusive policies, TICs
The educational inclusion of students with disabilities is a process that requires policies, practices, a methodology and educational strategies tending to favor the inclusive process but above all it requires the human quality of teachers to be able to make effective the inclusion of students with disabilities. The Salesian Polytechnic College (UPS) aware of the need to make effective educational inclusion has executed the development of a research project called “Educational inclusion of students with disabilities at Guayaquil”. This article describes the work carried out to favor the processes of inclusion of students with disabilities, highlighting the most relevant resulting products of the project such as the inclusion plan, the accessibility report of the institutional website, the CAI (Support Center for inclusion) and the library for visual disability. It should be noted that the components described in this document can be applied to other educational institutions but it is possible that necessary adjustments according to the characteristics of each educational institution are required.
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