The construction of scenarios for peace: peace as an ethical requirement

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Angélica María Vargas Bernal


Ethics, Process of Peace, Colombia, Education.


The research project framed in the construction of scenarios for Peace of the Institute of Human Rights, reconciliation and culture of peace of the Universidad Santo Tomás, in Medellín, which proposes the use and application of practical ethics as Demand for peace, from interdisciplinary work with populations found in contexts of violence, from the critical reflection of the ethical categories of diversity and alterity as the foundation of harmonious human relationships.

The purpose of this project is to build from the teaching of ethics scenarios for peace, which means to form through critical reflection to the population who inhabit in a context of violence (direct or indirect victims) in Colombia in Practical ethical budgets such as alterity and diversity;
all this in order to promote the building of contexts for peace and at the same time to heal the experience of the pain that generates the memory of the violence in the civilian population and that affects the life project of the victims.

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