The magic of love, the horrors of the Death and other themes in the tales by Gabriel García Márquez

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Rubén Pelayo


“Eyes of a blue dog”, Big Mama’s Funeral, “Death Constant Beyond Love”, Strange Pilgrims, “The Trail of your Blood in the Snow”, Conceptismo, Quevedo


Professor Pelayo’s essay expands the traditional overview of García Márquez’s short stories by literary critics and meticulously points out, in encyclopedic style, the Marquezian work from 1947 to 1992 (all the short stories by the Colombian Nobel-prize winner), but pays special attention to the stories found in the book Strange Pilgrims. The treatise evolves around Eros and
Thanatos –love and death—as featured in the epigraph, without ignoring the theme of The Other, the autobiographical touch of the writing, and the relationship of art and literature: Picasso, Rubens, Goya. 

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