The writing in the leaders educational; community experience Learning. ABCD alternative model of quality education for marginalized communities

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Yolanda Isaura Lara García
Celia Carrera Hernández
Josefina Madrigal Luna


Educational Leaders Community, writing process, training professional.


This publication establishes the interest of investigating the crises, processes and advances of a group of new writers in service of their learning community in the promotion of analysis and reflection on the referents with which empirical consciousness operates or the way of appropriating what real, called empirical, as scaffolding of understanding for the explanatory absence of written language, all under the logic of the ABCD Model executed by CONAFE itself.

This document deals with the research production generated along the journey of the experiences and conflicts in the Community Education Leaders (LEC) community education trainers of the National Council for Educational Promotion (CONAFE) to become skilled writers before the tutorial function with their basic education students within the rural community in which they serve as servers, the journey evidences the progress made during the course "Mathematical and textual competences from autonomous learning based on Dialogue", curricular design and educational offer of the National Pedagogical University of the State of Chihuahua (UPNECH) in agreement with CONAFE for the improvement of its educational professionals in the interest of reflection and action of the formative processes towards the written expression, its academic expression. 

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