An approach to the application of ICTs in the mathematics didactics

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Oscar Alejandro Guaypatin Pico
Janeth Ileana Arias Guadalupe
Raul Humberto Montaluisa Pulloquinga
Jose Augusto Cadena Moreano
Julio Ramiro Salazar


ICT, teaching, mathematics, education, skills, software


The use of the ICT at the mathematics teaching process, the evolution that has had with the passing of time and the fundamental students and teachers role within this change, the first are beneficiaries and backbone of this process, while the second are the fundamental bodies for this great leap into the future. With the scientific advances and over the time is has attained create a great variety of software and technological programs, each one with different functions that applying in the mathematical didactic will help to improve the students´ academic performance, turning them in more important entities at the time of give a class. When the technology is applied in an exact science as the mathematics allows develop the students´ capacities and basic skills like representation, use of tools and resources, communication, reasoning and thought, which allow to develop in the daily life solving their problems with efficiency and effectiveness.

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