School coexistence for citizenship in the light of the dimensions declared by UNESCO: perception of the students of the second cycle.

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Daniel Sáez Sotomayor
Orlando Figueroa Mayorga
Sebastián Pereira Kahl


School life, citizenship, students, inclusion, democracy, education for peace.


The present study seeks to evaluate school coexistence for citizens in its dimensions of Inclusion, Democracy and Peace in students of the second basic cycle of two establishments with high vulnerability indicators. For the present study, an instrument validated by Chaparro, A., et al (2013) of the Autonomous University of Baja California was used. According to Kerlinger and Lee (2002) The research is non-experimental in nature. According to Hernández, R .; Fernández,
C. and Baptista, P. (2003) is descriptive. His approach was quantitative (Tamayo, 2004). The sample of students to whom the questionnaire was applied was made up of 292 students.

The main results were that there is a respectful treatment of teachers to students, that there are
teaching actions of good treatment and support for students with difficulty and that there is mutual trust between students and teachers. As aspects to be improved, it is shown that even if
the relationships between teachers and students are good, there is no equitable treatment with the students and no promotion of collaborative work among students is perceived.

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