Early childhood policy in comprehensive care as equity construction of vulnerable sectors in a new campaign, jurisdiction of the municipality of Dibulla, La Guajira
Main Article Content
Care, construction, equity, politics, early childhood and vulnerable
The social and educational problems of vulnerable sectors require the attention of governmental entities that are destined for early childhood, that is to say, they must be committed in the search for alternative solutions, due to a lack of leadership and autonomy, this has a negative impact on the integral development in a society. That is why indifference and apathy has impoverished the quality of life of vulnerable sectors.
Likewise, the issue of early childhood policy in integral care, such as the construction of equity of vulnerable sectors in the new campaign, Dibulla municipality jurisdiction, La Guajira, emerges as a felt need, due to situations of abandonment that became visible in the However, early childhood policies guarantee the cognitive, psychosocial, nutritional performance, health of an individual, which allows the inclusion of welfare programs aimed at effectively targeting vulnerable populations. It is for this reason that Grunewald and Rolnick (2006) expresses that the potential of future inequalities between people is reduced.
We perceive a rate of return to investments in human capital, which decreases the greater the
age of intervention of the children.
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