Mobile learning policies in the Colombian sphere

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Lady Merchán Cifuentes
Fredy Yesid Mesa Jiménez


Mobile learning, ICT policies, digital tablets


This document carries out a review of the formulation and execution of policies of UNESCO and Colombia, in relation to mobile learning, during the period 2013 to 2016, stage in which digital tablets were one of the relevant trends in the implementation of the Technology in Education. The factors of infrastructure endowment, digital contents, teacher training, the pedagogical model of Tabletas para Educar, are analyzed in order to evaluate the progress based on a documentary analysis. The provision of digital tablets as technological innovation was evidenced, with aspects to improve in teacher training, increase of digital contents for digital tablets and the elaboration of Programs that promote the effective appropriation of these technologies as educational innovation.

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1 Se refiere a computadores y tabletas

2 “Considerado como el mejor plan de tecnología del mundo en la feria más importante de la industria de telecomunicación”, de acuerdo con (MINTIC, 2014b, p. 11)