Autopoiesis in educational institutions
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Creativity, Diversity, Shocks, Structural Coupling
Autopoiesis to enhance Great Talent shows how this is carried out education in La Guajira, as approached from the direction of institutions, making teachers and their interaction with internal and external environment. This research is qualitative, based on ideas emerging from the postpositivist epistemology based systems concepts. The symbolic interactionism was the approach that allowed better develop research since its precepts, and type of ethnographic research was well suited to address l municipality from the perspective of its concepts. The research design was an elaboration itself, through the development of five times, thus emerging a theoretical construct and enhance the great talent through autopoiesis. The purposive sample consisted of six people representing the different roles of education. In the final considerations it could be observed that there is an embryonic development of some elements of the autopoietic theory, which serve as a basis to start implementation of the proposed theory in educational institutions. Among the recommendations referred, that of applying the theoretical proposal as a basis for improving the educational process in the municipality, take how interesting it is doing to apply by many other agencies involved more the environment through more efficient care disturbances that this presents.
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