Articulatory phonetics in the english language pronunciation development

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Nanci Margarita Inca Chunata
María Guadalupe Escobar Murillo
Nancy Georgina Rodríguez Arellano
Wilson Gonzalo Rojas Yumisaca


Articulatory Phonetics, Pronunciation, Accent, Intonation, Sounds of speech


The present research “Articulatory Phonetics in the English Language Pronunciation Development” is aimed to determine whether Articulatory phonetics use enhances English Pronunciation development or not; to describe the sounds of speech, consonants and vowels, through their manners of articulation and points of articulation, stress, and intonation; besides, to develop a teacher’s intervention within the class and analyze the obtained data before and after it. Finally, it is aimed to socialize the necessity of improving English pronunciation development through the learning of Articulatory Phonetics issues; in this way, they would enhance their English Language oral communication skills.   This descriptive research is focused on quali-quantitative approach and for the consecution of its goals, a quasi-experimental research is developed. Quasi-experimental research had two groups of students to implement Articulatory phonetics: the control group, which was formed by 121 individuals and the experimental one with the same number of students. Both, the control and the experimental groups of students were not chosen randomly. Besides, this investigation was focused on field research since the researchers made a class intervention. Furthermore, it was bibliographical research as well. The population was formed by 6 groups belonging to third English level in Language Center at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo during the period October 2017 – March 2018. For collecting data, a pre and a post-test were taken by the students before and after the researchers’ intervention. Pre and post-tests consisted in a pair oral interview. With the obtained and analyzed data, the researchers verified the hypothesis with T Student mathematical method. The obtained results showed that students did enhance their English language pronunciation development with the use of Articulatory phonetics in the researchers’ intervention. Accordingly, it is highly recommended to emphasize those topics within the didactic class planning in order to encourage students to pronounce correctly for a better communication.

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