Interdisciplinarity in pedagogical management, a task of teachers of the current university
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Interdisciplinarity, pedagogical management, methodological work
In the pedagogical treatment of interdisciplinarity in Cuba, important actions have been carried out as part of the continuous process of transformations of the educational system emphasizing the need to break with the schemes where the subjects are developed in isolation, without the search of interdisciplinary relationships with other subjects of the curriculum.
The analysis of the transformations of university education allows us to consider, as necessary, the development of research to characterize the process of establishing interdisciplinary relationships where professional skills are considered as interdisciplinary axes that traverse the curriculum vertically and horizontally.
This paper proposes a methodological strategy for pedagogical management at the academic year level with an interdisciplinary character, considering as an axis the aforementioned skills. In the research empirical, theoretical and statistical methods were used, which allowed an approach to the solution of this problem.
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