Mediation of ICT in the statistics and mathematics course of the Lumen Gentium Catholic University Foundation - UNICATÓLICA. significant experience

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Claudia Patricia Valencia
Lina Lindsay Tenorio Ramírez


ICT tools, mathematics, statistics, teaching-learning, teachers


This project describes a significant experience mediated by Information and Communication Technologies, in the course of Statistics and Mathematics at the Lumen Gentium Catholic University Foundation - Unicatólica. Its importance lies in the integration of ICT tools, within the methodology and teaching strategies used in classrooms, to strengthen the teaching and learning process of students in the area of ​​mathematics and statistics.

This experience in practice, allowed to verify the appropriate use of the ICT tools that the teacher made, its evolution in the implementation, investing the necessary time, its effort exploring the utilities and reaching the learning objectives established in the course.

To himself, from the different theoretical references it was possible to verify that by selecting the correct ICT tools, which are adapted to the needs of the students, a dynamic participation environment is created, with more creative activities, which helps to strengthen the experiences individual as collective that contribute to the progress of more specific skills, in students. A case study was carried out, with a descriptive methodology, with a qualitative, non-experimental approach.

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